My name is Gabbi, also known as the BookBreather! I started this blog in hopes to find others in my age group who adore writing just as much as I do! Everything I write has some sort of paranormal aspect, and there's always a little bit of romance. Besides reading and writing, I love rocking out to Bring Me the Horizon and taking pictures of everything. I bake yummy treats and swoon over yummy guys. I'm a little spazzy and a whole lot of fun! You can tweet me @BookBreather Reviews or email me at

Haye guys, my name is Margaret, "Margiie" for short. I'm currently in my last year of highschool. I am a full on bookworm and I'm reading all the time, whether it is old school or brand new stuff. I love to read all sorts of catergories, but I'm particularly in love with the paranormal and mystery novels. I'm an easy going person who loves watching movies and just chilling with friends. I've joined the wriTEEN team in particular because I am to an aspiring author and I think it is a great opportunity for teens alike to communicate their thoughts and ideas on writting or books.
I'll be putting together the rest of the team soon!