Monday, October 17, 2011


As most of you probably know, November is National Novel Writing Month.

That's sort of a mouthful, so everyone just calls it NaNoWriMo.

Well, it begins in precisely two weeks! Eeep! I'm so excited. I tried it out last year before I really knew anything about writing, and I thought writing a novel would be as simple as spitting the words out. I'm very aware how naive I was. However, this year I am pumped and ready to go! I've learned so much about the craft and I'm hoping that I'll be able to get to 50k words this year.


I'm not sure how I am going to find the time, though! Between my internship with Entangled Publishing, my book blog, this blog, school, and my social life, my life is pretty much booked. I hardly get the opportunity to write anymore, and when I do, I'm always feeling guilty because there's most likely other things I need to be doing.

But I have a bunch of awesome tweeps that'll help me get through it!

I already have my basic plot. It involves an abusive step-mom, running away, suspiciously fancy foster homes, and fighting! It's a paranormal, of course, and the MC is a sixteen year old guy. I still have to figure out who exactly the love interest is going to be, but I have an idea. I still have a lot more plotting to do and details to work out, but I'm so stoked to write it.

What about you guys? Are you going to be participating in NaNoWriMo? Have you ever reached the 50k goal? How the hecknuggets do you find time to write every day? And most importantly, what will YOU be writing about?

Oh, and just some news: On Halloween I'll be posting a short story that I wrote about zombies. I actually have it posted on my fictionpress account, but I'm not going to give you the link, because I want everyone to read it on the blog! It's also got vampires in it. Kinda. So stay tuned for the ZOMBIE FUN!

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